Tuesday, 13 April 2010

A primacy surgical tropeano. It's the Prof. Luigi Bonavina the first in the world to have experienced a new back check device

It was for the first time in the world the tropeano Luigi Bonavina, prof. General Surgery at the University of Milan and Director of the operational unit of the Institute polyclinic San Donato apply on a milanese of 30 years, affection of gastro-oesophageal reflux, a ' magnetic ' collar, American fruit of biomedical research, which will allow the patient to live a normal life. Gastroesophageal reflux is a phenomenon that within certain limits can be defined without any consequences. In serious cases, however, worsens the quality of life to the cause, in extreme situations, chronic inflammation of the esophagus and other serious complications. This is called gastroesophageal reflux disease, a disorder that affects approximately 10% of Italians. It is a disease whose symptoms characteristic is a burning sensation in the chest that radiates to the throat. To this you can associate the acid regurgitation in mouth or food, belching, frequent (present especially after meals, but which can also be convenient position lying, by bending torso forward or effort that involves the contraction of the abdominal muscles) difficulty in swallowing, sensation of a foreign body in the throat, excessive salivation. Other symptoms, less frequent, are chronic cough, alterations of the voice, asthma crisis, chest pain anginoso-like that can simulate a cardiopathy, even the loss of dental enamel. The IRCCS Policlinico San Donato was chosen as headquarters for the application of a new procedure for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux laparoscopico, the so-called ' magnetic sphincter '. After obtaining permission from the Ministry of health, the University Center for diseases of the esophagus, directed by Professor Luigi Bonavina, is the first in the world to have experimented with a new device back, American fruit of biomedical research: this is a special collar consists of a series of titanium magnets that you attract and repel depending on the pressure that there is in the stomach and the threat to experience an episode of reflux. The device, very small and be applied in laparascopia around the Cardia (also called the lower esophageal sphincter) opens a series of interesting perspectives in laparoscopic surgical therapy because the procedure is still less invasive surgical technique traditional addition to prove easier to perform. alongside national and improving opportunities currently at surgery laparoscopico, the new system provides an alternative to medication which in most cases should be taken for life to frequent relapses of the disease. thanks to biomedical research, reports the specialist, "an engineer American has developed this particular device able to mimic faithfully the activity of the valve Cardia (lower esophageal sphincter), which connects the oesophagus and stomach and that patients with gastroesophageal reflux fails to perform its functions". The device looks like a bracelet made from titanium rings, biocompatible material "and resistant to gastric acid attack. "These rings contain small magnets-adds the surgeon-that depending on the pressure ulcer attract or repel. As needed, therefore, the valve shrinks or expands ", leaving pass the food from the esophagus to the stomach, but blocking the acid reflux. who is Luigi Bonavina and what are the milestones of his career as a surgeon? was born in Tropea on 14 October 1955. In 1973 the maturity classical to ' Galluppi ' high school. He graduated in 1979 in medicine and surgery at the University of Padua. In 1984, is a specialist in general surgery (1984) and in 1989 in thoracic surgery. Complete their professional training in the United States with fellow in thoracic surgery at the University of Chicago and the Creighton University. During the period 1987-1992 is a lecturer and then aid from Surgical Clinic of the University of Padua. In the period 1993-2001 is aid coordinator at the Institute of general surgery and Surgical Oncology at the University of Milan. In 1996 a diploma of European Board of Surgery. He is a member of numerous scientific societies including the Italian society of surgery, the Italian society of endoscopic surgery, the American College of surgeons, the society for Surgery of the food & beverage tract, the European Surgical Association. His main areas of interest are gastroenterologic surgery, minimally invasive surgery and surgical oncology. He is the author of 490 journals including 5 monographic character. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the diseases of the Esophagus and refereed in the annals of thoracic surgery. He is currently Associate Professor confirmed general surgery at the University of Milan and Director of the operational unit of the Institute. (Jul 2007)

Links: http://www.tropeamagazine.it/tropeanews/

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